Exchanges & Refunds

Refund/Exchange Policy:

You can check the package and try the item while the courier is outside waiting for you and if you don’t want it you can only pay the delivery fees only, other than that unfortunately there will be no refund or exchange.

متاح معاينة قبل الاستلام المندوب بينتظر حضرتك 5-10 دقايق لغاية ما تتاكدي ان المقاس كويس لو حضرتك محتاجة تبدلي المقاس بيرجع مع المندوب و تقدري تتواصلي معانا عشان نبعتلك المقاس المناسب و لو حضرتك لاي سبب مش حابة انك تستلمي تقدري تدفعي الشحن بس

  • The courier will call you before coming kindly make sure you are available to try the items before you pay.
  • This doesn't apply in case the item has manufacture issues. 

For Complains Contacts us via:



Or Call us on : 01201117430

2- Provide us with the order number and photo of the received product and we will be more than happy to help you.